Friday, September 21, 2007

This Too Shall Pass

Yes, there are no coincidences in my life and today was a glaring example. Part of my daily ritual is reading CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS… by Wayne Dyer. This book is meant to be read one verse per day and I have been doing this for the past 15 days. Today was the 16th verse which was titled “Living with Constancy”. The passage is extremely prophetic as it discusses the only constant in life is change. Once a person recognizes this, it is not a disruptive part of life; it is a valuable step toward peace and harmony. All things come and go. Life materializes in a variety of forms – it’s here, and then at some point it ends in what is called death. This coming and going might seem to be a temporary condition, but it’s actually the ultimate constant because it NEVER ceases. Embracing this nature of cyclical change and reality thrive.

I took this passage to heart especially with the letter I received from the IRS yesterday. The passage goes on to say, “This too shall pass”. This phrase exemplifies there is only one real constant in life – change. Everything is in a cycle of coming and going – EVERYTHING. There are no exceptions. I started my journey of recovery over 2 ½ years ago and during that time I have been an inmate within the Ca Prison system. My time as an inmate will come to an end in a little over 5 months, but I will continue my recovery. There is a great deal of wreckage I have accumulated over the years such as owing large dollar amounts. However, I do know this too shall pass as so eloquently stated by Dr Dyer. The past did rear its ugly head yesterday and I was taken aback; however, I know it will pass because everything comes and goes. My past is over and I do know everything will be resolved positively.

Yesterday, I wrote about my release date and how it possibly was calculated incorrectly. Today I went over the formula more thoroughly and came out with a date of February 27th, 2008. I’m not certain how I came up with the date I did yesterday, but I am certain it is either February 27th or 28th depending on rounding.

Okay, I will now BORE most of you with a story about cleaning the bathrooms – so very sorry. On Friday I use bleach as a main cleaning ingredient because for all intents and purposes, the bathrooms don’t get thoroughly clean until Monday – since I am off on Saturdays and Sundays. The best course of action is a heavy dose of bleach. I may have added too much bleach because my eyes started to water and I was coughing. I had to step outside for a few minutes to clear my head. Who knew cleaning bathrooms could be hazardous to my health?! As I was cleaning, every person who came through remarked about the smell of bleach which was one of my intended purposes. At the very least the bathrooms smelled clean and as long as I stayed away from the direct vapors everything was okay. In the prison system bleach is something that is very regulated because I had to receive a sign-off before taking possession of the bleach bottle. I’m not sure why this chemical is more important than other chemicals but it just is. Also, cleaning with a high pressure hot hose does work wonders and I think regular households should have built in drains within the bathrooms. Cleaning is made so much easier and efficient with the high pressure hot hose. Enough of the bathroom story, the point is I made it through without asphyxiating myself.