Thursday, September 27, 2007

What an Afternoon!

I’ll get right to it since I had an extremely interesting afternoon today! I had reported in a prior blog that my previous employer had wanted to come see me regarding some issues they were currently having. This started back in early July and due to the fires, the meeting could not be scheduled. This morning as I checked in for work, the Sergeant called me into his office and informed me that someone from my previous employer would be here this afternoon to see me. He mentioned the person’s name which did not ring a bell with me. As soon as I got this information, I couldn’t wait for this afternoon and the ensuing meeting. Finally 2:00 pm rolled around and I noticed a car pulling into the parking lot. I watched as two people emerged and I did not recognize either one of them.

Shortly after their arrival, my name was announced and I went to the office. I was told to enter the conference room which I did. The two gentlemen entered the room and introductions were made. As it turns out, these two people were NOT from my previous employer. They were business consultants hired by my employer who were looking into a whole host of issues. They immediately assured me I was not in any trouble and relayed some very interesting information from the people I used to work with. According to them, everyone I used to work with said very good things about me and that I was well liked. In fact, according to them my old boss had gotten over my betrayal to him, and sort of understands why I did what I did. This was interesting to hear.

Over the course of the next 90 minutes, we discussed an array of subjects and people. Before I go any further, I must say that a few (actually many) people have given me advice on what to say and what not to say. I took all this advice into consideration, also the advice which told me to find out what is in store for me. Ultimately, I followed what I perceived to be the right thing. I have thought a great deal prior to this meeting and now that it is done, I have no regrets. These people wanted to pick my brain about certain people and events. I did offer my opinion, but I couldn’t give them any hard cold facts. I was surprised at who was the center of their investigation – even though it had many off shoots. I didn’t incriminate anyone nor did I incriminate myself. I am very pleased as to how I handled the discussion because I was honest. Also, for those 90 minutes, I felt like I was back on my old job discussing procedures and controls with colleagues. The words were flowing out of me and it felt great. Here I was an inmate, yet I felt like a professional again. I admired the two people who came for the meeting and we got along very well. I didn’t reveal any “dead bodies” for the simple fact I don’t know of any. I was fairly insulated in my previous position but I was a very good observer of many things. I know people very well and felt very confident in my words.

After the 90 minutes, as we were saying good-bye and shaking hands, I said to one of them, “ In 5 months when I get out I am going to need a job.” I said this very matter of factly, but the response I got surprised me. “Give me a call when you get out and I do mean that.” I was surprised to hear this and it did bring a smile to my face. These people consult on fraud issues which would be perfect for me since I know fraud firsthand. I was able to obtain a business card and I will follow-up very soon.

Now an even more fascinating part of my afternoon commenced. Prior to departing from the conference room, the Sergeant (who was present for the entire discussion) said to me, “Do you know what you are going to tell those guys when you leave?” He was referring to my fellow inmates who would be very curious as to why I was in the conference room with two strangers. This was very thoughtful of the Sergeant to bring this up and I replied, “Yes.” Of course, there are no secrets in this camp because everyone knows everyone else’s business. What I didn’t realize was how quickly I would be confronted about this meeting. As soon as I walked out of the office, I was asked about the meeting. I decided the truth was what I would say and this is exactly what I did. I gave quick highlights of the meeting and the good news about a possible job offer.

It is truly funny how quickly the rumors spread while I was in the conference room. Some inmates had me being interrogated by the FBI while others had me in discussions with attorneys and local law enforcement. The comment or rather question which struck me odd was “Are you okay?” This was asked 2 separate times by inmates who I know well but not that well. I guess they had genuine concern for me to know everything was all right. I am not sure how often these types of meetings take place my guess would be not too often so this was unusual circumstances. I believe most inmates could be concerned that I was not ratting anyone out and I certainly did not do that. However, perception around here is reality and I have no control over anyone’s perception. I told the truth this afternoon and to those inmates who asked me I told them the truth. I trust and believe everything is going to be okay because I continue to do the right thing and therefore, good things happen.

I did not have to replay what I said this afternoon because I have no regrets. Usually I beat myself up with I should have said this or that but I am very sure of everything I said this afternoon. I cannot control the rumor mill nor do I have any desire. People will think what they want to think and this is something I accept. I am in a good place, but as my mother says, “Don’t get too comfortable.” I won’t delude myself into anything but ultimately my actions are on the proper path and it is truly magnificent.

This afternoon was a journey back in time for me, but instead of feeling sorry for myself, I feel great. What I did back then was wrong in everyway possible, but I am not a bad person. Thankfully, I am on the road to recovery and continue to be a better person each and everyday.