Monday, May 12, 2008

Better Food in Prison; NO!!!!

I failed to report yesterday that the 8 pounds I gained while I was “away” now has all been lost. I wasn’t trying to lose the weight but I guess my exercise intensity has gone up since my release or the food is better in prison??? I would go with the former as opposed to the later because the food is much better out here and there is so much more variety. Anyhow I am back to the same weight I was prior to entering prison and I doubt anyone would know whether or not I gained or lost the weight since I look the same. I did notice that my 29 inch waist pants fit much more snug when I first got out and now they fit just like they did almost two years ago.

Speaking of food I finally broke down and bought a jar of peanut butter after two months of refraining. I certainly had my fill of peanut butter while I was in prison and I wasn’t in any hurry to go back to eating peanut butter. However; it is such a convenient food and today I even had peanut butter and bananas for lunch. This was my staple for so long and I would usually eat it in a sandwich form.

Today I went without the bread and it is a very filling lunch along with being inexpensive. The food prices have soared in the past two years and eating “healthy” is another word for eating “expensively”!! I thought it was much more prudent to purchase a jar of organic peanut butter which lasts for a week as opposed to other organic items which only last a few days. I certainly get my money’s worth out of the peanut butter and with the economy today I can see surviving on peanut butter for the foreseeable future.

I still think the “all things peanut butter” is a good idea especially for a college campus. I just need a little more planning and maybe a “sponsor” such as Jif or Skippy. Who knows? I do wonder how the “cereal” stores are doing which served nothing but bowls of cereal. These were situated at college campuses in a few locations across the country and I wonder if they are still in business. I do see this being more of a fad then a long-term deal which is why I believe these types of stores/restaurants need to re-invent themselves so often. I do find relevance in the show “Deal or No Deal” which seems to be re-inventing itself often keeping the show very fresh.

This morning I stopped at the Bruegger’s Bagel store on the way into work which is situated across the street from one of the local high schools. I know the times where there is a line with the high school students and I try to avoid those lines but today there was unexpected traffic that caused me to be there at the exact time of the high school students. I don’t have any issues with the high school students because I was one a few years ago and God willing my children will be as well.

I did observe that the “kids” all have cell phones and seemed to be immersed in those cell phones “texting”. Text messages are a whole new phenomenon to me not because I have been “away” for the past two years but I never seemed to get into it. My boss is constantly texting his daughter so I guess I better gets used to it because my daughter is entering that age as well. I fear (as I had this conversation with my friend the other evening) that there is a complete language developing through these text messages and spelling is now looked at as passé. I am not up on all of the abbreviations and when I send a text message it resembles more of a professional email as I am always concerned about my spelling.

I did notice two high school students sitting at a table in Bruegger’s studying the Bible. I was taken aback not because they were studying the Bible but because they were studying the Bible!! I have nothing against studying the Bible and I think this is a much more positive use of time then the kids who were standing outside the bagel shop smoking cigarettes. These two were not only studying the Bible but they were getting into a very serious discussion. I would guess they were either 15 or 16 and I know when I was that age I would have never thought of even picking up the Bible let alone read one while having a discussion session with another peer. I really don’t know what to make of this but I guess it is more positive then negative.

I didn’t workout this morning going back to taking off on Monday which sets up a better week exercise-wise. This is my last week of intense running as the marathon is less then 3 weeks away. Oddly I haven’t signed up for the marathon and I think I was secretly hoping the entry would go down but the inverse is true; the longer I wait the higher the entry fee. Oh well; just like everything else the entry price has gone up over 35% since my first marathon five years ago. If anyone states we are not in a recession I think they must live in a fantasy world.

Okay enough of that lamenting; this is my last intense week of running and I need to get my shins together in these last three weeks. I did pick up the intensity over the past two weeks which has caused the discomfort in my shins but I have faith I will be in great shape come June 1st. Interesting sidelight; my first marathon I had constant foot pain up until the marathon itself but on marathon day the foot pay disappeared so it really is more psychological then anything else. I am looking forward to these next few weeks but I do need a new pair of running shoes since I have put holes in all of my running shoes. This has just happened over the past two weeks and it is so odd how my running shoes where in the exact spot which is on top of the shoe.

I have holes in all of my running shoes no matter the brand. I realize the preferred mileage on running shoes is around 300 miles which I have exceeded. I will be purchasing a new pair sometime this week because I need to break them in prior to the marathon. I made the mistake of running a half marathon in brand new running shoes. While I ran I felt something strange on my left heel but the endorphins were kicking in and I ignored it. I finished the half marathon and was taking off my running shoe only to see a very bloody sock which transferred to the shoe. Fortunately the place I purchased the running shoes from has an excellent return policy and I was able to exchange the bloody shoes and socks. I won’t make that mistake again!! This “hobby” is getting expensive but not nearly as expensive of my previous “hobby”!!!

I arrived at work to start another glorious week. Things are happening at work and I continue to make the very best of everything. I am so grateful for everything in my life and in less then two months my wife and children will be with me which is all that matters!!!