Sunday, November 18, 2007

Again With The Fire Meals

WE have four crews visiting (staging) from a fire camp 20 miles from the Oregon/California border. That must have been a long bus ride and it did take them two days to get here. Having been on that fire bus for over 12 hours – that ride is akin to cruel and unusual punishment. The crews are here in anticipation of the Santa Ana winds which are forecast for this week. The rumor has the crews staying until Thanksgiving, but I guess it all depends on the weather. It appears the authorities are taking all the precautions and want to be ready if wildfires spark while the winds are blowing. It is certainly better to be safe than sorry.

Of course this means my roommate is back on the fire meal treadmill which started this morning and will last as long as the crews are here. He will have company as our friend is now in-training. I on the other hand, will just go about my days as usual this morning.

I finished reading BEACH MUSIC and I must concur with my roommate’s opinion that it was an excellent novel. It was a very emotional story and I was touched by all the heartfelt themes. I’m glad I made it past the first 200 pages because I was thinking about giving up. In retrospect, those 200 pages did set the foundation for the remaining story and, oh my, those were incredible stories. The rest of the day, I wrote my weekly letter to my sponsor which is always a great part of the day. Nothing too exciting happened today, but the day did pass quickly enough.